Mould and Hepa Vacuuming
Mould proliferates by generating spores which are released into the air. These get carried by airflow, ventilation and air conditioning throughout the house. We need to initiate mould removal and control the effects that mould spores can have on a house re-cross contamination. While doing a remediation we use what we call a HEPA filtered vacuum cleaner on surfaces. What we mean by HEPA filter is, it doesn’t only have just your ordinary standard filters in there, but also a secondary filter as well. This make our device alot more capable of trapping microns which are much smaller in size. Hence the name HEPA, which stands for high efficiency particulate air. With this filter all the spores will be trapped in the vacuum cleaner as well. One also won’t aerosolise or redistribute them after you’ve sucked them up. This is a vital aspect in mould remediation. You can’t release and cross contaminate the mould spores your attempt to terminate if you want to be successful. People need to understand that with mould limiting and controlling the dissemination of spores is priority. Hepa filtration is definitely the first important step in mould removal.

Don’t Attempt To Remove Mould Spores Yourself
Our professional mould removal advice to you is DON’T waste your time trying to remove spores yourself. Using aggressive products is also dangerous. You run the risk of rupturing the capsules and aerosolising the mould spores. This creates cross contamination and the mould will transfer from one space to another escalating the problem.
“Perth Restoration Services are a fully certified IICRC and RIA Firm. This means we are specialists in mould removal. We are also your true friends in Flood, Fire and Restoration”
— Sean Thomas, Head Technician/Owner.